Neuron wallet new features and updates summary, join Github to learn more about the project progress.
0.16.0-alpha.2 (2019-07-26)
0.16.0-alpha.1 (2019-07-26)
Bug Fixes
- neuron-wallet: check min capacity (ad77232)
- Trigger auto update on app launch (a2ad858)
- neuron-ui: call generate mnemonic method from neuron-wallet in neuron-ui with remote module (5a27c7b)
- neuron-ui: call networks controller's methods by remote module (c4bc431)
- neuron-ui: call transactions controller methods with remote module (4751817)
- neuron-ui: remove UILayer (f2f3145)
- neuron-ui: subscribe current network id from neuron-wallet in neuron-ui (1173622)
- package: Rename package task to release, publish to GitHub (e3d473e)
- call methods of app controller with remote module (cdc93a0)
- subscribe network list from neuron-wallet in neuron-ui (b56ae1c)